JavaScript- JavaScript is a lightweight, interpreted, dynamic programming language that is used to make dynamic web pages and applications. It was came out in 1995 with the name LiveScript but afterwards its name is changed into JavaScript as it is integrated with Java. Bootstrap- It is the most popular framework for faster and easier web-development. The reason why we use bootstrap is that it is supported by almost all popular browsers, easily get started ( anyone who has knowledge of just HTML & CSS can start with it ), its responsive design, it also contains JavaScript plugins. AJAX ( Asynchronous JavaScript and XML )- It is a group of coherent client-side & server-side technologies by using which we can update a part of a webpage instead of reloading the whole webpage. We can take the examples of sites like YouTube, Gmail, Google-maps, tabs within Facebook etc. It increases the speed and usability of web pages and application. JQuery- It is JavaScript library whic...