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Showing posts from September, 2020

Other Tool in Web Development

JavaScript- JavaScript is a lightweight, interpreted, dynamic programming language that is used to make dynamic web pages and applications. It was came out in 1995 with the name LiveScript but afterwards its name is changed into JavaScript as it is integrated with Java. Bootstrap- It is the most popular framework for faster and easier web-development. The reason why we use bootstrap is that it is supported by almost all popular browsers, easily get started ( anyone who has knowledge of just HTML & CSS can start with it ), its responsive design, it also contains JavaScript plugins. AJAX ( Asynchronous JavaScript and XML )- It is a group of coherent client-side & server-side technologies by using which we can update a part of a webpage instead of reloading the whole webpage. We can take the examples of sites like YouTube, Gmail, Google-maps, tabs within Facebook etc. It increases the speed and usability of web pages and application. JQuery- It is JavaScript library whic...

Advantages of using CSS

  o Time Saver - Writing CSS code saves our time as we can do global changes easily . o Page loads faster - We are not considered to write HTML tag attributes every time, if we are using CSS. So, less code means our page will load faster. o Superior styles to HTML - Array of attributes in CSS are wider than HTML, that gives a better look to the page.   o Maintenance becomes easy - If you want to make a change globally, just change the style and changes will be done in all the web pages. o Multiple device permittance - CSS allow content to be optimize for various types of devices. It make the pages compatible to different devices and browsers.   o How we write code in CSS/Use- External Style Sheet-    is used when we want to apply style to multiple pages. Each of the pages must link to style sheet by using <link> tag. Internal Style Sheet - It should be used when we want to style single document. They are defined in head section. I...

Cascading Style Sheet

  CSS ( The Stylist ) HTML is responsible for all the core foundation and CSS is responsible designing of webpage like pretty layout, add colors to your font, change the font-size and font-style etc. Both are used together.               Hence we can say that- “It is a language for specifying how documents/web-pages are presented to the user.” By the use of CSS, we can manage what the color of text, style of fonts, background color and images, spaces between the paragraphs, variation in display for different devices and screen size should be, how columns are sized etc. It gives us the control over presentation of the document.   History and versions- It was invented by HakonWium Lie in 1994 and maintained by a group of people within the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium). This group creates docs. called ‘specifications’. After a discussion by W3C members, it becomes a ‘recommendation’. In December 1996, C...

How we write code in HTML/Use

  HTML is specified as TAGS in an HTML document. HTML Tags- It is basically word or group of words enclosed between Angle Brackets as <html>. Usually, These Tags comes in pair as <h1>   &   </h1> , that are wrapped around some text. They are called Container tags. 1st tag in the pair is opening tag and the 2nd one is End/closing tag . On the other hand, Empty Tag is a single tag like <br>. They don’t have to be wrapped around any text. Its structure- All HTML docs. are mainly divided into 2 parts- Head & Body . We have <html>, <head> & <body> container tags in each HTML document. <html> tag tells the browser that it a HTML document. The <head> tag includes information like the title. The <body> tag contains content like- paragraphs, headings, links, pictures etc. <html>    <head>         <body>   ...

History and versions

  - HTML was created by Tim Berners Lee in 1991. He considered it to be an application of SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language).”HTML 2.0” was published in 1995. “HTML 4.01” was published in 1999. Although “HTML 4.01” version is widely used yet currently “HTML 5” is used more commonly and it was published in 2014.    HTML was originally developed with the intention of evaluating the structure of document like headings, lists, paragraphs etc. to give the facility of sharing information between scholars.   But now, it is being   commonly used for format web-pages .   o How we write code in HTML/Use- HTML is specified as TAGS in an HTML document. HTML Tags- It is basically word or group of words enclosed between Angle Brackets as <html>. Usually, These Tags comes in pair as <h1>   &   </h1> , that are wrapped around some text. They are called Container tags. 1st tag in the pair is opening tag and the 2nd one i...

Tools used in Front-End development

  3.1     HTML ( The organizer )- Hyper Text Markup Language - to develop web-pages. The web-documents are being written in a language called HTML. Hence, we can say that HTML is a language used to create websites. These websites can then be accessed by anyone connected to the internet on various browsers such as chrome, Firefox, safari etc.      When we save an HTML file, extention .htm or .html is used. o Hyper Text - It is a way by which you move around on the web by just clicking on special text called hyperlinks. Hyper just means that you can go to anywhere on the internet by just clicking on links whenever you want. o Markup- is the method what happens to the text inside HTML tags. It is marked as a particular type of text (as italic text). Also visit ExploringBits .It is clear from the name itself that it is a markup language which means HTML is used to simply “Markup” a text document with tags that tell a browser how it sh...

Front-end development

      In this report, we are going to study about Front-end development. So, first of all we have to understand what Frontend development is and what does the Front-end developer do. So, front-end developers are the glue that holds Web-Designers and Back-end Developers together . Their main tools are HTML, CSS and JavaScript.          Trends in Front-end development are always changing. This can make being a front-end developer challenging. But it is good to the great extent as you’re always learning new technologies. The Front-end of any web page is generally everything you see and interact within the browser as a user of the application . For example, just think of your favorite site. When you click on something in the site, some action performed and you see the result not the whole process going in the background of the website. That means, the user only interact with the things he sees on the screen. Thus, it should look b...

What is Web-development?

  It is basically the development of webpage or collection of Webpages i.e. website. It is a field full of scope in present as well as in the future. Web-developers are extremely high in demand.                 Web-development usually refers to the activities related to website functionality development. Every website is developed a little differently though. In general way, we can say that web-development is nothing but building and maintaining websites.                There are mainly two components that conduct every interaction between a user and the site that are as follows- 1.   Client (Front-end) 2.   Server (Back-end) 1. Client (Front-end)- In order to access the website, the user interact with the local computer and devices. In this case, it is necessary that the website functions exactly the same way in all the ...

Basic Structure of JavaScript

  JavaScript can be implemented using JS code in between <script> …. </script> tag if you have kept your JS code inside the HTML document itself. The script tag contains two significant attributes: - ·         Language- This attribute indicates what scripting language you are using in a web page. Normally, the standard will be “javascript”. Latest version of Html(Html5) does not require the use of this attribute anymore.   ·         TYPE- This library is used for what is presently instructed to show the scripting syntax being used and in JavaScript its value should be set to “text/javascript”.

Advantages & Disadvantages of JavaScript

  Advantages: ·         JavaScript is object-based language because it provides predefined objects. ·         JavaScript is a light weighted language. ·         JavaScript is highly a case- sensitive language. ·         Each and Every statement in JavaScript terminates with the semi-colon(;). ·        JavaScript also has ability to create new function using “function” keyword . Disadvantages: We can’t treat JavaScript as an undeniable programming language. It comes up short on the accompanying significant highlights:- ·        Reading and Writing does not allow in client-side JavaScript. ·        There is no good and efficient way of analyzing errors and catching exceptions. ·         As no backings ar...


  INTRODUCTION JS is very versatile Client-Side language. JS is mostly used for developing the understanding between the webpage and a client. We can also say, a webpage can be made more appealing and spirited, with the assistance of JS. JS may run on most of the internet browsers and on any Operating System. JavaScript is the number one and one of the best coding languages in the world and also very easy. JS along with CSS and HTML makes up the core building blocks of the Internet and the World Wide Web . Application of JavaScript in Web Development ·        JavaScript is utilized for creating web pages. ·        JavaScript is a stand-alone language which is developed in Netscape. ·        JavaScript is used when a website is to be made interactive and add special transitions used by all websites for the cause of validation. ·        JavaScript can ...


  Advantages: ·         JS is one of the most widely used languages in the world ·         It can be combined with more languages like CSS and JS. ·         No extra software is required to run it as it is inbuilt in all standard browsers. ·         It is not very complicated like other languages. Disadvantages ·         HTML can only able to create static web pages so we are not able to create dynamic web pages. ·         A simple web page requires very large amount of codes. ·         HTML is not much secure. ·         In HTML, when we have to make long code for making website pages, at that point it delivers some complexity.