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Cascading Style Sheet


CSS (The Stylist)

HTML is responsible for all the core foundation and CSS is responsible designing of webpage like pretty layout, add colors to your font, change the font-size and font-style etc. Both are used together.

              Hence we can say that- “It is a language for specifying how documents/web-pages are presented to the user.”

By the use of CSS, we can manage what the color of text, style of fonts, background color and images, spaces between the paragraphs, variation in display for different devices and screen size should be, how columns are sized etc. It gives us the control over presentation of the document.

 History and versions- It was invented by HakonWium Lie in 1994 and maintained by a group of people within the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium). This group creates docs. called ‘specifications’. After a discussion by W3C members, it becomes a ‘recommendation’.

In December 1996,CSS1 was come out. Formatting model was described in this model.

In May 1998, CSS2 was became a W3C recommendation. In this version addition of media specific style sheet is supported

    In June, 1999 CSS3 came out. It has divided into documentations known as Modules. These modules have old specifications of CSS as well as extended features.(e.g. 2D/3D transformations, animations etc.)

Author at ExploringBits


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